05.05.2022We asked, we listened – 2022 Annual Member and Stakeholder Survey results

Our Annual Member and Stakeholder Survey has been completed. Thank you to everyone who completed the Survey and participated in helping shape Melbourne’s future. A special thanks to our member, Ipsos, who helped manage the survey process and analysis.

Pleasingly, the results have highlighted a greater sense of optimism as we emerge from the impact of COVID-19 on Melbourne’s community and economy.

Survey participants generally felt positive about their organisations prospect of recovery from COVID-19 over the next year. Most respondents also felt optimistic about Melbourne’s resilience in the face of potential future pandemics.

Our annual tracking advocacy priorities showed there was a strong support for the Committee’s current agenda, especially regarding sustainability, housing affordability, transport, arts and culture, innovation, and the experience economy. This is in line with the findings of the Ipsos Issues Monitor, which highlighted healthcare, housing, cost of living and the economy to be the three most important issues Victoria is facing.

As for our Future Melbourne agenda, the Board of the Committee will now consider the renewed call for climate change and sustainability to be a focus of our agenda.

The Melbourne ‘brand’ reputation continues to be of concern and these priorities are reflected in the findings of our 2022 Benchmarking Melbourne Report.

The Survey results are being considered at the Committee’s Board meeting later this month, and will influence the strategic priorities of our three Standing Committees:

  • Future Economy
  • Infrastructure and Sustainability
  • Liveability and Urban Optimisation.

Committee for Melbourne events, forums and advocacy initiatives for 2022/23 will also be influenced by these findings.
To discuss the Survey findings or to “have a seat at the table” as we develop working groups, events and thought leadership, please contact Clive Dwyer, Director, Engagement at cdwyer@melbourne.org.au 

Read the 2022 Annual Member and Stakeholder Survey findings here

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