17.09.2019Tourism Submission
Committee for Melbourne made a submission to the Regional Victoria Tourism review.
The Visitor Economy is Greater Melbourne’s fourth-largest economic driver and has helped shape Melbourne’s brand reputation as a dynamic destination to visit, live, work and invest. As the country’s second-largest services export after education, tourism contributes 3.2% to Australian GDP and 4.9% to employment, with strong growth projections.
On 18 March 2019, the Victorian Government announced a review into regional tourism with The Hon Mary-Anne Thomas MP (Cabinet Secretary and Member for Macedon) nominated as the Victorian Government’s Special Adviser to the Regional Tourism Review.
A discussion paper was released in July and the Committee for Melbourne undertook consultation with members and provided a detailed response.
This government review is critical, as Victoria does not currently have a long-term strategic plan for Victoria’s Tourism and Visitor Economy that addresses the rapid growth of the industry, infrastructure and training needs, and the profound changes that are being experienced through the 4th industrial revolution.
This impacts on both Greater Melbourne as a region and Regional Victoria.
As the Government seeks shape the future of Victoria’s regional tourism industry over the coming decades, we note that Greater Melbourne as a region is both an economic driver of the Visitor Economy and gateway to regional Victoria.
It is crucial that the review carefully considers the significance and structure of Greater Melbourne as a region, as it does not currently have a recognised Regional Tourism Board or structure as part of a broader Victorian strategy.
The industry is dependent on the interconnectivity of councils, accommodation, attractions, cultural and sporting assets, hospitality, education and transport sectors. We need strategic plans that factor in collaboration of Inner Melbourne, Greater Melbourne and Regional Victoria into a cohesive industry strategy.
Click here for the review and report
Committee for Melbourne members, City of Hume and Melbourne’s West have also contributed to the review.
Committee for Melbourne members interested in this consultation can register here.