03.09.2020Review of Federation Square

On 22 August the Victorian Government released the recommendations from the Review of Federation Square.
The Review overwhelmingly found that Fed Square is valued as a place to experience arts and culture, to participate in exciting events and festivals, and to come together and celebrate as a community. The Government has accepted the recommendations of the Review, and the key initial actions include:
- Greater recognition and celebration of First Peoples culture and continuing connection to the site.
- Adoption of a community-driven vision emphasising Federation Square’s cultural and civic impact and the need to revitalize the space with captivating experiences
- A commitment to embracing the Yarra and better connect with the adjacent arts and sports precincts
- Adherence to design principles and strategies to ensure any future physical changes “must aspire to match the quality of the original”, to be enabled in part by the creation of a design advisory board
- Incorporating Fed Square in the Government’s Creative Industries portfolio alongside other cultural and civic icons such as National Gallery Victoria, Arts Centre Melbourne and State Library Victoria.
Fed Square has welcomed the Review recommendations and looks forward to working with the Victorian Government and other partners in responding to these recommendations.
The Victorian Government has also announced that Fed Square will receive A $20 million injection from the Government’s $2.7 billion Building Works stimulus program, which will support dozens of projects to be undertaken across the site to improve the experience for visitors at the city’s iconic meeting place.
An immersive Regional Experience Centre offering Victoria’s best food and wine, new lighting that will highlight the precinct’s famous architecture and improve safety, better signage and accessibility, and upgrades to the Deakin Edge theatre and other spaces to better support events are among planned works.
More than 1,800 people contributed to the Federation Square review, launched in April 2019 to guide the Square’s future and ensure it remains at the heart of Melbourne’s civic and cultural life. Fed Square wants to take this opportunity to thank everyone who lent their voice to the Review process and have played a part in shaping the future of our precinct.
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