29.10.2020Port of Melbourne, Port Development Strategy

The Port of Melbourne has released its final 30-year 2050 Port Development Strategy (PDS) a roadmap for the future development of the Port.

The PDS is a roadmap for the port’s development and it has been shaped by extensive industry, community and government consultation. Despite the challenges of drought, bushfires and COVID-19, the Port’s growth plans remain on track and the projects outlined in the PDS are progressing well. A key project, the Port Rail Transformation Project is already underway, with further announcements on this important project to be made in the near future.

The PDS will be reviewed every five years. However, the Port of Melbourne welcomes feedback at any time.

Read the full PDS and Consultation Summary Report here.

The Port’s media release can be found here.

This has had a significant influence on the Committee’s recently released transport report.

Read the PSD here

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