21.04.2022Our Melbourne Dinner – celebrating our city

The Committee’s Annual Dinner is less than a month away. Tables have sold out in matter of weeks, representing the largest black-tie event ever held by the Committee.
Plans for the evening are being finalised with a wonderful blend of Victorian food, wine, arts, and a celebration of what makes Melbourne great.
Last week the delivery team toured the amazing CENTREPIECE facility at Melbourne & Olympic Park, to see how the evening would all come together. As we were exploring this amazing new venue, we reflected on Melbourne’s events infrastructure and the recent Melbourne highlights such as the Grand Prix, the Comedy Festival, The Food and Wine Festival, the Melbourne International Flower and Garden show, the AFL season and of course, the sell-out theatres across our city.
Melbourne is bouncing back!
On Wednesday, 11 May, we will hear from our Patron, the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria, and other key dignitaries on what will shape our city’s future.
It will also be a time to celebrate, we have worked with the Executive Chef at Melbourne and Olympic Park and a range of Victorian providers to source the best of Victorian food and wine, ensuring not only a quality ‘farm to fork’ experience but also one that considers the sustainable produce sourcing. Victorian is truly blessed to have such quality produce on our doorstep.
Peter Jones Special Events has created a unique ‘Our Melbourne’ entertainment experience with the support of Deloitte, our arts and culture members and Melbourne & Olympic Park. Melbourne’s performing artists have been hard hit over the last two years and special thanks go to Arts Centre Melbourne and Marriner Group for their assistance in supporting our artists on the evening.
An exciting development has been the work undertaken with Nursery and Garden Industry Victoria, with support from Deloitte. We have been exploring ways to celebrate our city’s unique horticultural agenda and to create a more sustainable event.
With the ongoing support of Telstra, one of the evening’s highlights will be the presentation of the Committee’s Melbourne Achiever Awards, for an outstanding individual and an outstanding organisation. Thank you also to Lendlease for sponsoring our order of proceedings.
Our MC for the evening will be ABC TV’s Michael Rowland who will help bring the evening together.
We look forward to seeing all our friends and colleagues again on Wednesday, 11 May as we celebrate ‘Our Melbourne’.
See more on our 2022 Annual Dinner
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