01.10.2019Meet the Lord Mayor | Sally Capp

Melbourne’s growth must be supported by bold planning with measurable outcomes and strong leadership in decision-making, across jurisdictions. This was the key message from Lord Mayor Sally Capp to our members and guests at the Committee’s Meet the Mayor event this week.

The Lord Mayor discussed how we can work together to shape Melbourne’s future as a world leading, liveable city by focusing on three core areas: affordable housing, transport connectivity, and creative cities.

She emphasised the importance of solving housing affordability challenges at a time when Melbourne is experiencing high population growth, while a growing number of key workers and talent critical to Melbourne’s prosperity cannot afford to live near their place of work.  The City’s forthcoming Affordable Housing Strategy will set measurable targets for building Melbourne’s affordable housing stock.

Growth poses a similar challenge to Melbourne’s transport sector, so bolstering public transport and creating more space for people to move around the city are a matter of urgency.  The City’s Transport strategy must be matched by the State Government’s investment in capacity-boosting public transport such as Melbourne Metro 2, which will also unlock Fishermans Bend’s massive knowledge economy potential.

Creativity is central to the fabric of Melbourne and drives its prosperity. Melbourne, therefore, needs a bold and inclusive Creative Strategy to ensure that creative people can thrive in Melbourne and make their contribution to shaping Melbourne’s future. This strategy, of course, is dependent on an environment of affordable housing and equitable mobility.

Bringing together all three levels of government, the private sector, academic institutions, and not-for-profits will inarguably help solve the challenges present in housing, transport, and creative life. We would like to thank Grimshaw Architects for hosting the Committee and its members and look forward to working with the Lord Mayor and the City of Melbourne in advancing the priorities she outlined in her inspiring presentation.

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