29.10.2020Let’s Melbourne Again | Behind the story

In April 2020, at the outbreak of COVID-19, the Committee for Melbourne addressed the unprecedented circumstances in which our members, our government, and our community found themselves because of the global coronavirus pandemic.
We asked our 150 members and stakeholders how can we best support our community and our members, and fulfil our mission, during this difficult and disruptive time?
“Facilitate collaboration to rebuild Melbourne’s future” was the clear message.
The CfM Road to Recovery campaign was launched and for the last 6 months, we have been working with our members, taskforces and other proud Melburnians to help each other and shape the future we want.
This week we launched the next six months of activity with a brand campaign for Melbourne: Let’s Melbourne Again.
Our Foundation member, Clemenger Advertising took the lead, creating a brand campaign and facilitating partnerships to restore our confidence and inspire Melburnians to get ready and get set to Melbourne again when the time is right.
The full media campaign was launched on Monday October 26, the day restrictions were partially eased.
The campaign’s supporting partners include 7-Eleven, AAMI, ANZ, AFL, Australia Post, BMW, Bupa, Carlton Draught, City of Melbourne, Coles, Committee for Melbourne, Crown, La Trobe University, McDonald’s, Myer, NAB, Officeworks, Origin Energy, PwC, Slack, Tennis Australia and Village Cinemas.
Other supporters include The Arts Centre Melbourne, Beyond Blue, Buxton Contemporary, MTC and the National Gallery of Victoria.
Foundation member Newscorp and other media partners have provided their support and our broader membership is now encouraged to join the campaign by accessing the Lets Melbourne Again material created by Clemenger’s.
We will be celebrating the Let’s Melbourne Again campaign and telling our stories over the coming months. If you have an idea, an inspiration or would like to contribute to the campaign please contact us.
Let’s Melbourne Again seeks to rebuild confidence, creativity and hope in Melbourne. It’s a commitment made to Melbourne by those who love this city. We look forward this campaign unfolding to get Melbourne moving forward again.
But we need your help too, so together Let’s Melbourne Again.
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