18.02.2021Is the business world ready for JobKeeper to end?
Introducing Career Accelerator – Fisher Leadership’s digital transition and outplacement platform
There is no doubt that COVID-19 and continuing lockdowns throughout the country have thrown into stark relief the importance of leadership at every level of society. With an ‘unemployment tsunami’ predicted as we approach the slated end of JobKeeper in March, it is imperative that organisations support transitioning employees with care.
Career Accelerator is the new career transition and digital learning platform designed by Fisher Leadership’s CogNative Solutions team. The program is available as a blended approach including one-to-one coaching and self-paced digital learning, or can be tailored to digital-only for teams or personal support for executive coaching. At every level, Career Accelerator aims to revolutionise outplacement by meeting people where they are, when they need it, with the future skills to carry people forward.
As General Manager, Coaching and Transition for CogNative Solutions, June Parker will be heading up a team of experienced career coaches and wellbeing strategists. The augmented nature of the Career Accelerator program means that Fisher Leadership can handle the social and emotional aspects of transition face-to-face, while the more functional and tactical learnings can be completed at home in a self-paced manner. This maximises time spent with a coach and ensures a positive experience with wrap around support.
Many of you will know Fisher Leadership as a high-end Executive Search firm that has been placing purpose-driven executives into impactful roles for nearly two decades. Fisher Leadership’s Managing Director, Michelle Loader says “As the executive lifecycle shortens, and we grapple with the reality of a blended culture, democratising career transition to be accessible for all will be the hallmark of successful workplaces. It will enable them to attract diverse communities, align on their commitment to organisational values, and embed wellbeing to actualise performance.”
Founding director, Jo Fisher agrees, saying “I think what the Career Accelerator program brings to the table, is the opportunity for organisations to set leaders up for future success, giving them a sense of control in an increasingly uncertain environment.”
Fisher Leadership is no stranger to supporting leaders at the coal-face of change, having worked with C-suite executives and board directors in transition. The team today support leaders beyond the recruitment component, with Wellbeing and Mental fitness programs, Gig Executive skills solutions and ESG sustainability reporting.
Reach out to June for a coffee and say hello! jparker@fisherleadership.com
Checkout the platform with a free demo at www.careeraccelerator.global
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