05.05.2022Have a seat at the table
Since 1985 the Committee for Melbourne has taken a strong bipartisan leadership position with leading organisations from all sectors committed to shaping Melbourne future.
Together with our 150 member organisations we connect, collaborate, shape policy and shape emerging leaders.
While the last two years have been challenging, the role of the Committee is as important today as when were founded in the 1980’s, another difficult time for Melbourne.
As we grappled with COVID-19, it has been pleasing to see over 20 organisations have joined the Committee in the last twelve months, and over 1500 members, staff and 700 stakeholders have attended our forums and workshops, delivered by our members.
It was also exciting to see next week’s Committee for Melbourne Annual Dinner sell out in a matter of weeks, the Proud Melbourne spirit is back!
Now is the time to nominate like-minded organisations for a Committee for Melbourne briefing and explore ways to get involved in shaping Melbourne’s future.
If you would like to introduce a new organisation to the Committee, share your ideas or discuss your engagement in 2022/23, please contact Clive Dwyer, Director Engagement, at cdwyer@melbourne.org.au.
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