02.12.2021From the CEO, December 2
Welcome to our last edition of Communique for 2021.
In the past two years the global pandemic has severely challenged Melbourne’s global reputation as one of the world’s most liveable cities to becoming one of the world’s most locked down cities.
While we are not out of the COVID woods yet, the Committee takes the view that now is the time to transition from a Road to Recovery mindset to an agenda to help Melbourne rebuild and reopen to the world as we move to the top of the global vaccination status ladder.
In 2022, the Committee, with the help of our members and friends, will focus on developing a new policy and advocacy structure to create a post COVID agenda for Melbourne, kicking off with our Future Melbourne Summit on 15 February.
At the Summit we will launch our Greater Melbourne Benchmarking Report, a baseline assessment of how Melbourne can reclaim its status as one of the world’s most successful and liveable cities.
The Committee’s view, since its inception, has been that our future fundamentally relies on collaboration between the public, private and community sectors to build a better city where everyone has a stake in its success.
Inspired by the Herald Sun’s recent article “game changing idea go get Victoria booming”, the Committee put forward an idea for a Greater Melbourne Commission based on collaboration between all agencies of government with the power to create an integrated plan for Melbourne, to bring more investment and innovation to our city.
We relish the opportunity to discuss this idea and any others our members put on the table in 2022.
In this edition, you can read the insights key Victorian leaders Treasurer Pallas and Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan shared with us on how they are shaping Melbourne’s future economic and transport infrastructure and from the Committee insights on foundational questions such as climate mitigation and housing affordability.
Thank you all for your incredible support over this very demanding year. We look forward to a stimulating and rewarding 2022.
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