12.11.2020From the CEO – 12 November

Since the emergence of COVID-19, Committee for Melbourne members and stakeholders have been discussing and advocating for initiatives to help cushion the blow and position the city for a strong rebound.

Whether it be international education, the visitor economy, transport, or affordable housing, Committee for Melbourne has been contributing ideas, supporting industries in need and working to fulfil our mission of shaping a better future for Melbourne.

Melbourne’s large and respected Not-for-Profit (NFP) sector is playing a key role in supporting Melbourne’s recovery. The Committee is proud to have 30 NFP members and private organisations working with our Foundation and Corporate members to shape Melbourne’s future.

More than ever, this sector needs to collaborate with the private sector to fully realise its potential and have a sustained impact on the city’s recovery. We established an NFP Taskforce three years ago and remain committed to drawing attention to the wonderful work of the sector, and to help build partnerships with the private sector to ensure Melbourne’s social fabric remains strong.

This special edition of Communique is focused on the power of collaboration. Given the potential for private sector investment to simultaneously help solve social issues and create jobs for Australians as we emerge from the crisis, more should be done to help cultivate collaborative partnerships.

To support this proposition, the Committee today launched Working Together: Guiding Principles for NFP and Private Sector Collaboration, which you can read about below.

We would like our readers to gain an appreciation of the true value of NFP and private sector collaboration, and to encourage members to either establish a meaningful partnership or amplify an existing one, and to consider our guiding principles and how they can be applied in their own organisational environment.

We thank Ardoch, Hall & Wilcox, Melbourne Prize Trust, Royal Flying Doctor Service (Vic) and NAB for their contributions to today’s edition.

We asked our contributors to address a series of questions:

  • How does your organisation contribute to the wellbeing of society?
  • Prior to COVID-19, did your organisation collaborate with a NFP / private organisation to deliver a positive social outcome? How did you collaborate and what did you achieve together?
  • Have you and your partner organisation increased collaborative efforts in the wake of COVID-19? What measures have you taken?
  • Why will Melbourne be a better city if more NFP and private organisations collaborate in the post-pandemic period?

Their responses make for fantastic reading.

As you read this special edition, please reflect on how you can help make Melbourne a more collaborative, compassionate and inclusive city as we embark on our road to recovery.

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