30.06.2020Exploring the community value of Public Private partnerships

An interesting report from Partnerships Australia and Foundation Member Melbourne University features Foundation member Plenary Group and the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Center. 

Ninety five percent of service providers in a social infrastructure public-private partnership say their project has delivered on the service promised by the relevant state government and delivery agency. 
That is the key finding of recent research by Infrastructure Partnerships Australia and the University of Melbourne, investigating the operating performance of social infrastructure PPPs such as hospitals in Australia and New Zealand.
The research finds hospital PPPs have delivered above their capacity requirements, have improved operating efficiencies, and achieve value for money over the life of the PPP. 
Plenary Group manages three major hospital PPPs in Australia, including the $1 billion Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre.  

It is through this lens we see PPP hospitals improving patient outcomes and setting new benchmarks in all aspects of research, education, treatment and care. 


Read Partnerships Australias and Melbourne University’s report. 

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