30.06.2020Discover your own back yard
On Tuesday 23 July, the Committees for Melbourne and Sydney co-hosted an event on ‘Australia’s visitor economy – Time to discover your own back yard’ to discuss ‘Exploring Sydney and Melbourne’s role in driving the Australian Tourism ‘road to recovery’.
As Australian travel and gathering restrictions start to lift, and international travel is still on hold, what does the future hold for our gateway cities of Sydney and Melbourne?
Can the domestic visitation replace international visitors during COVID-19?
What lies ahead for our Cities’ leisure, business events and accommodations sectors?
Thank you to Gabriel Metcalf, CEO, Committee for Sydney, Adele Labine-Romain, Tourism Sector Lead, Partner, Deloitte Access Economics, Simon McGrath, COO, Accor Pacific and Martine Letts, CEO, Committee for Melbourne for your contributions to the discussion.
You can watch the discussion here
From the panel
- Article: ‘An Australian Eastern Seaboard Megaregion – an essential step on the road to recovery’ including a link to the Report: Reimagining Australia’s South-East
- Adele Labine-Romain, Deloitte Tourism Sector Lead and Partner with Deloitte Access Economics, Keynote Presentation
- Discussion around touring options between Sydney and Melbourne – www.sydneymelbournetouring.co