31.08.2021Connecting our public libraries through digital innovation

Media Release
31 August 2021
Connecting our public libraries through digital innovation


Committee for Melbourne (the Committee) is thrilled to be partnering with the Victorian Government on their annual Digital Innovation Festival (DIF), which includes series of live events, complemented by a range of on-demand content.

“The Committee’s Melbourne 4.0 agenda set out to help Victoria prepare for the challenges and opportunities presented by digital technologies. This aligns with the aim of the festival to showcase emerging tech, promote jobs of the future, support businesses to go online and foster digital inclusion for all Victorians.” said Martine Letts, CEO, Committee for Melbourne.

As part of the DIF program, the Committee in collaboration with Public Libraries Victoria, is connecting public libraries across the state, through a free online event ‘Public Libraries: Digital Inclusion & Innovation’. This event will be held Thursday, 2 September from 10am – 11:30am.

Local libraries will have the opportunity to showcase their use of innovative IT and to provide examples of community and stakeholder engagement, outreach and partnerships. This event will provide Victoria’s local libraries with a platform to connect with the broader community, to help make our libraries the best they can be.

The event will feature case studies from Moreland Libraries, Monash Libraries, Yarra Libraries, Melton City Libraries & Western BACE, and Yarra Plenty Regional Library.

“Committee for Melbourne is excited to be working with Public Libraries Victoria as part of the DIF Festival, to deliver an event which will engage libraries from across Victoria”, said Ms Letts.

“As part of our COVID-19 Road to Recovery journey, Committee for Melbourne and its members have learnt that it is more important than ever to have a digitally connected and resilient community, and the role of our libraries in placemaking and digital connectivity has become critical”, said Ms Letts.

Angela Savage, CEO, Public Libraries Victoria said, “Public libraries play a crucial role in bridging the digital divide. As well as providing free access to wi-fi, computers and other devices, library staff provide training and support to help community members navigate our increasingly online lives.”

Join this open forum to explore the digital community within our libraries, to strengthen collaboration and the sharing of information.


The DIF runs from 25 August, through to 8 September.

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For further information, please contact Rita Romeo Communications, Events and Engagement Manager, Committee for Melbourne rromeo@melbourne.org.au +61 422 350 285



Committee for Melbourne (the Committee) works towards shaping a better future for Greater Melbourne. Together with our members, we make a difference by challenging the status quo and encouraging thought leadership to create change through confident and influential advocacy.

With over 150 member organisations drawn from across Greater Melbourne’s major corporations, small and medium businesses, academic institutions, local government and not-for-profit entities, the Committee is an active connector.

The Committee’s work embraces four key pillars: Future Economy, Infrastructure, Urban Optimisation and Liveability. Working with, and on behalf of our members, the Committee aims to ensure Melbourne’s challenges and opportunities are addressed in ways that keep our city vital, inclusive, progressive and sustainable.

As a not-for-profit, member-funded entity, the Committee is politically independent and impartial. This allows us to freely and purposefully raise issues of importance to the growth and development of Greater Melbourne.


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