30.05.2019Committee for Melbourne welcomes Morrison Government

Committee for Melbourne wishes to congratulate the Morrison Government on its win at the recent Federal election and looks forward to working with the government to help shape Melbourne’s future.

The Committee recognises that the Federal Government has an important role in ensuring Greater Melbourne can implement forward-looking agendas to ensure we remain a prosperous and liveable city. The Committee has worked with successive Federal Governments to highlight the issues which Melbourne, and Australia, will face in the future and prepare for these inevitable external influences. Given the size and economic output of Greater Melbourne, we also recognise what is needed for our city is of utmost importance to Australia more broadly.

Before the election the Committee released ‘Vote for the Future’, which outlined key areas where the Federal Government could help support the growth and development of Greater Melbourne into the future. You can view the Liberal party response to the Committee here.

The Government’s $5 billion commitment to Airport Link, a project the Committee has strongly advocated for with its members, is commendable. The Committee believes integrated policy making is vital to develop Melbourne in a systematic way. Therefore, it is pleasing to see various tiers of government work collaboratively together, and with a range of stakeholders, on this priority project that will change Melbourne.

The Committee for Melbourne with our members and stakeholders, looks forward to continuing to build on the productive working relationship with the newly elected Morrison Government and all Members of Parliament, in the pursuit of our shared ambition for Melbourne and Australia’s future progress.

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