08.08.2019Committee for Melbourne welcomes Airport Link Sunshine route but requests more clarity
Today, Committee for Melbourne held its third forum on an Airport link to Melbourne to discuss the merits of the four proposed routes as well as strategic priorities for delivery with its members and stakeholders, including Melbourne Airport.
The forum identified the Sunshine route as the preferred option subject to detailed further analysis on project funding and execution to ensure it will provide a world-class solution.
“The Sunshine route is Committee for Melbourne’s preferred route as it provides a holistic solution to maximising access to the airport, alleviating wider network congestion while becoming an effective component of an integrated transport network”, said Committee for Melbourne CEO, Martine Letts.
This route is consistent with the five guiding principles for an airport link that were put forward by Committee for Melbourne in its submission to government earlier this year:
1. The future is already here
2. An integrated and holistic perspective
3. Flexibility
4. Customer-centric solution
5. Cost-benefit analysis
“The Sunshine route matches these criteria. However, further clarity is needed around travel time and pricing; rapidly changing technology; flexibility to service the airport’s needs for the long-term; customer-centricity and opportunities to unlock broader benefits for Melbourne and Victoria”, said Ms Letts.
Committee for Melbourne has been strongly advocating to secure a high-quality mass transit link to Melbourne Airport.
“We called for an airport link for our city back in 2016 and subsequently identified this piece of infrastructure as one of nine priorities – or Strategic Needs – for our city in our Melbourne 4.0 report launched in 2017”, noted Ms Letts.
“We have made progress and following the announcement of both Federal and State government funding, we appear to be closer than we have ever been to securing this asset for Melbourne. The real work starts now”.
“Brand Melbourne really needs this – a visitor’s experience and impression of Melbourne starts and ends at the airport”, noted Ms Letts.