13.05.2019Cities and Regions | The 4th Industrial Revolution

As a proud supporting partner of the Cities and Regions 4.0 Summit, held at Crown Promenade last week, Committee for Melbourne hosted an event focusing on the need for closer integration of our cities and regions to enhance our future competitiveness in the world’s most dynamic region, Asia.

The session formed part of our Eastern Seaboard Collaboration Taskforce, which is advocating for a more integrated approach to help boost our economic productivity.

In serendipitous timing, the event coincided with the announcement by the Federal Government that it would progress plans for fast-rail links between the nation’s three biggest cities and their regions. This is testimony to the Committee’s forward-looking agenda, and its adventurous approach to addressing some of the most pressing issues we face as a city, state, and country.

Our former Director of Policy and Research, and now Director of SJS Strategy, Sander van Amelsvoort opened with a powerful case for the importance to Australia’s future of an Eastern Seaboard megaregion. It was followed with a panel discussion with members Tim O’Loan from AECOM, Kathy Coultas from the Victorian Government, Jessica Christiansen-Franks from Neighbourlytics.

While much of the discussion focused on our Cities’ and Regions’ innovative capacity and future competitiveness, the notion of an East Coast Megaregion was an attractive proposition to all participants. Not only would such a region enhance our capability to compete in international markets, it should help relieve our congested metropolises, activate the regions, make housing more affordable, create new jobs, improve liveability, and help protect our natural environment.

Committee for Melbourne will continue to advocate for an Australian East Coast Megaregion as part of our Eastern Seaboard Collaboration Taskforce. To help us turn the vision into reality, or for more information, please contact us at cfm@melbourne.org.au or (03) 9650 8800.

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