13.05.2019Bob Geldof In Ballarat with some inspiring messages for acting locally
Congratulations to the Committee for Ballarat for organising an excellent meeting of the Committees for Cities and Regions Network, topped off by a hugely successful roundtable dinner with global philanthropist and activist Bob Geldof. Geldof emphasised the importance of taking personal responsibility for effecting change and the value of a local initiative to support thriving, civic minded communities.
The C4 network meets twice a year, alternating between a city and a region. Newly joined member of the Network, Committee for Brisbane will host our next meeting in October.
The network now comprises 18 cities and regions in Australia and New Zealand. Network members exchange information and shared challenges, collaboration and partnerships, such as sharing speakers and participation in major conferences such as Cities and Regions 4.0. The network has now commenced looking at joint advocacy initiatives in Canberra following the Federal Election.
The Committee for Melbourne chairs these meetings and provides Secretariat services.
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