27.06.2019Annual Member Survey

Every year, we survey our 150 members to help focus the Committee’s priorities as we strive to shape Melbourne’s future.

The survey influences the Committee’s agenda and advocacy program for the upcoming financial year. It also helps us focus on our members’ specific interests and the work of our various taskforces.

We thank all our Foundation, Corporate and Not for Profit members who completed the survey. A special thanks to Committee member IPSOS, who powered the survey and the in-depth analysis.

The results were released at our Annual Dinner in May in the presence of the Governor, members of Parliament and 650 member guests.

While some progress has been made in addressing four critical areas for Melbourne’s future: Future Economy, Urban Optimisation, Infrastructure and Liveability, respondents were clear that more needs to be done on all four.

The 2019 results reflected a growing year on year concern about the lack of progress on Liveability and Urban Optimisation. Feedback reflects a concern about Melbourne becoming a City of ‘have and have nots’ and the need to prioritise both comprehensive infrastructure solutions and local projects.

Registered priorities

The provision of an integrated transport plan stood out as the highest priority at 95%

Concerns about housing affordability are increasing

An increased focus on more efficient municipal planning and service delivery

We are now sharing the result of the survey with our Government and community stakeholders.

Detailed responses to the survey’s questions are here

For enquiries, please contact Clive Dwyer, Director of Engagement.

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