28.06.2019AI Taskforce
The Artificial Intelligence Taskforce Steering Committee is in the process of finalising its recommendations for the eight strategic focus areas, which will form the basis of the Committee for Melbourne Report on AI to be released to Industry, Government and Community in the coming months.
The Steering Committee comprises the following Committee for Melbourne members: Allens, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, CSIRO Data61, Deloitte, EY, Jacobs, Monash University, Nous Group, PwC Australia, and Telstra.
In forums hosted by Monash University and Deloitte, the Steering group is working on draft recommendations for the following focus areas:
Group 1: Data, Governance, Equity and Equality
Group 2: Skills, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Trade
Group 3: Infrastructure and Security
The findings and draft recommendations will be shared with a broader network of members and subject matter experts at the Artificial Intelligence Taskforce Workshop on 27 August from 1.30 – 3.30 pm at the Digital AI Summit.
This workshop is free for members to attend and is followed by a Welcome to Melbourne Reception for International Guest Speakers, Dr Taddeo and Mr Taylor.
To register for this workshop, click here.
For more information, please contact Laura Kerr Melvin.