Working Together: Guiding principles for private and NFP sector collaboration

Social issues are firmly on the minds of business leaders and investors.
As the world responds to the economic and social fallout of COVID-19, ideas of inclusive growth, citizenship and social impact – all important prior to the crisis – have taken on even greater meaning.
Melbourne’s proud and expansive Not-for-Profit (NFP) sector, which helps keep our social fabric strong, has been hit hard financially and operationally.
More than ever, Melbourne needs businesses – particularly big businesses – and investors to work with the NFP sector to address and solve complex social problems, with deeper engagement between the two sectors becoming essential as the city charts a course out of this current crisis.
The Committee has sought feedback from members about how private and NFP organisations have collaborated to deliver substantial community benefits, and why the simultaneous pursuit of purpose and profit could deliver significant, ongoing social and economic benefits for Melbourne.
Join us as the Committee launches its principles that can help guide private and NFP sector collaboration and hear from organisations about their unique engagement activities that have delivered substantial benefits through the application of those principles.
Guest Speakers:
Kylee Bates, CEO, Ardoch
Richard Leder, Partner, Corrs Chambers Westgarth
Bevan Warner, CEO, Launch Housing
Aron Whillans, Banking Executive, GEC South, NAB
From the panel:
Committee for Melbourne NFP portal
Paper: Working Together: Guiding Principles
Report: Charitable Giving in Australia
Watch the event here
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