Unpacking Benchmarking Melbourne report

Committee for Melbourne released its Benchmarking Melbourne report on 15 February, to reinvigorate a conversation about the strengths and opportunities for Greater Melbourne and to energise new ideas to support Melbourne’s future.
We are pleased to be able to unpack the report and to discuss unique ideas for Melbourne and ways that business, community and government can collaborate to further Melbourne’s future.
Craig Shute (Managing Director, JLL -VIC), Annabel McFarlane (Senior Director, JLL Research) and Leanne Edwards (Director Policy, Committee for Melbourne) will be joined by Justin Hanney (CEO, City of Melbourne) and Jonathan Spear (CEO, Infrastructure Victoria) to discuss the many emerging issues from the Benchmarking Melbourne report, including whole of city connectivity, commercialisation of innovation, support for the visitor economy, housing affordability, liveability, skills and Melbourne’s brand.
Committee for Melbourne members are invited to join us at JLL as we seize new opportunities for Melbourne with great optimism and take the chance to help shape visionary ideas for Melbourne’s future.
Thursday 11 August
40/101 Collins Street,
Melbourne VC 3000
Contact events@melbourne.org.au for more information.
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