Meet the Minister Steve Dimopoulos MP

The Committee held a special ‘Meet the Minister’ lunchtime event on Wednesday 26 April hosted at PwC, featuring a keynote address by Steve Dimopoulos MP, Minister for Tourism, Sport & Major Events and Minister for Creative Industries.

Minister Dimopoulos touched on Melbourne’s performance in tourism and events pre- and post-COVID, the dispersal and accessibility of attractions across Greater Melbourne and Victoria as well as securing more skilled jobs within the experience economy.

As Minister Dimopoulos said arts, culture and tourism is in Melbourne’s DNA.

We thank all panellists including Steve Dimopoulos MP- Minister for Tourism, Sport & Major Events and Minister for Creative Industries, Katrina Sedgwick OAM – Director & CEO of MAP Co, John Harnden AM – Chief Executive of Melbourne & Olympic Parks Trust and Suji Kanagalingam – Melbourne Managing Partner at PwC.

Panellists shared insights into exploring collaboration between government and industries to attract, up-skill and retain workers, strengthen unique offerings, and put Melbourne on the map as thought leaders showcasing local expertise and innovation in the sector.

There are opportunities for events to have a greater connection to the community, with improved accessibility and affordability for all Melburnians.

Three images of speakers and panellists from Meet the Minister Steve Dimopoulos MP event

Three images of attendees and panellists at Meet the Minister Steve Dimopoulos MP event

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