EML Workplace Relations and Wellbeing Forum

Join us for the next Committee for Melbourne and EML Workplace Relations and Wellbeing forum on Tuesday 18 February, 9.00am-10.30am, focussing on WorkCover Changes: Reflections and Learnings. Join the EML specialists and Victorian Chamber’s Workplace Relations and Wellbeing team for insights on the WorkCover changes and impacts for employers. One year on from these changes first being tabled and subsequently implemented, we’ll discuss:
- The legislative changes and impacts on case acceptance levels
- Insights on some of the challenges for employers
- Complex scenarios when there are mental and physical aspects to a claim
- Reflections and case examples on opportunities for employers to understand their premium and ways to manage
This is a session not to be missed in a landscape where the legislative environment continues to evolve. As always, we will be equipped with practical advice on how to get it right and arm you with all you need to succeed!
When: Tuesday 18 February, 9:00am – 10:30am
Where: Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Level 3, 150 Collins Street Melbourne
Please contact events@victorianchamber.com.au for more information or to register for this event. Please RSVP by Friday 14 February.
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